About US

Beauty comes from the inside out

and what you wear is a reflection of your inner self.

Looking Good & Feeling GOOD

I have come to know the importance of looking good and feeling good about yourself. Whether it is spending some time in a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere, experiencing a rejuvenating facial or having a therapeutic manicure or pedicure.

Beauty comes from the inside out and what you wear is a reflection of your inner self. My experience in ladies’ fashion, accessories and gifts spans 10 years having “cut my teeth” in the industry, co-owning 3 independent ladies clothing and accessories shops with my sister.

I have now turned my expertise and a good eye for colour, into choosing and supplying beautiful clothing, accessories and gifts for you.


The Beauty Boutique is a cut above the average, if you are looking for something a little bit different, be that a gift that will receive the wow factor, or a stylish top to shake up your wardrobe, then you have come to the right place.

Here you will find fragrances to fill your room, fashion and accessories with a flare to truly make you feel wonderful.

Enjoy shopping around the site and if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to assists.
